3D Piranha Plant • From Super Mario
Final Render. All passes and corrections nodes combined.

Final Render. All passes and corrections nodes combined.

Zoom-in for the Piranha Plant and the green rusted pipe.

Zoom-in for the Piranha Plant and the green rusted pipe.

Details from the water, sand, cans, rusted barrels and dirty cloth.

Details from the water, sand, cans, rusted barrels and dirty cloth.

Green rusted pipe details and zoom-in for the warning sign.

Green rusted pipe details and zoom-in for the warning sign.

More details for rusted barrels, cans, zinc walls.

More details for rusted barrels, cans, zinc walls.

Ambient Occlusion Pass for the whole scene.

Ambient Occlusion Pass for the whole scene.

Making of Super Mario Piranha Plant.

A very post-apocalyptic digital 3D presentation of the piranha plant from the Super Mario video game.

Models were made with Maya and Zbrush.
The ground was modeled in Maya and texturized with Substance Designer.
All the other props including the plant were texturized with Substance Painter.
The Sky was made with Maya fluids.
Rendered with Arnold.
Compositing made with Nukex.